Base: Thai Tea
Boba (tapioca pearls)
Flavor: Condensed milk
Sugar (optional)
Heat: Boil
1. Boil water and seep Thai tea leaves/bags
- Tip: just like any other type of iced tea, you will want to prepare a stronger brewing.
2. Let tea cool
- Tip: prepare step 1 ahead of time.
3. Cook tapioca pearls
- Refer to package instructions as a guide. Usually takes 5+ minutes to cook.
4. Drain tapioca pearls
- Tip: add sugar to the tapioca pearls, mix, and let cool.
- Tapioca pearls are bland. When sipped with sweetened tea concurrently, the sweetness in the tea will be undeniable, but it does not permeate into the pearls. By adding a little sugar to the pearls after cooking it in water, the sugar will dissolve into the pearls and give them a little lift in flavor-- not overpowering that they become candy-like, but subtle and just right.
5. Assemble iced tea
- Add tapioca pearls into glass of tea (amount contingent upon your liking).
- Add ice.
- Sweeten with condensed milk, 2-3 tbsp. more of less depending on your desired level of sweetness.
- Tip: if you want to avoid a condensed-milk heavy drink, add less condensed milk and incorporate sugar to the mixture.
6. Serve with a BIG boba appropriate straw for the full bubble tea experience!
- Oh yea, there's definitely a difference. My two-year-old nephew loves boba drinks. He loves catching boba in the big straws, and he gets so excited when he sips one in his mouth. He pauses, points to the his mouth and says "BOBA!" Fun stuff.

* Notes: this recipe is so forgiving, you can easily change any amount of the ingredients to adjust to your personal preferences. And as always, I encourage you to do so. Enjoy, and make sure you have fun in your kitchen!
Watch a demo of this recipe and join me in my kitchen where everything is served with love.

♥ Yen
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