Thursday, January 19, 2017

How to Cook Oysters- In the Oven

What do you do when oysters are $0.58 each at your local grocery store?
You eat them on the weekly, of course!

I grew up on New England seafood and I LOVE seafood. I can't get NE seafood in Utah, so when fresh seafood is available and at a reasonable price here, I don't let them swim away :)

Here is how I prep, cook, and eat oysters in the shell. Don't be intimidated by the shell; you don't need anything you don't already have in your kitchen to prep/cook/open/eat them. It's super easy! My recipe for cooking oysters in the oven:

Ingredients & tools:
- oysters in shell (as many as you can eat!)
- oven-safe pans/sheets
- toothbrush (recommended)
- aluminum foil (optional)
- metal fork/butter knife or oyster shucking knife ( * Amazon affliate link
- salt, pepper, lime, hot sauce (all optional)

1. Preheat oven
425 degrees on broil

2. Wash & scrub the oysters
Wash in water. Using a toothbrush, scrub oysters individually under water/running water to remove as much sand as possible. The more sand you remove, the less sand there will be when you open and eat them. So, scrub, scrub, scrub away.

3. Place oysters in oven-safe pan/cookie sheet(s)
My preference: cookie sheets. Tip: line cookie sheets with aluminum foil to make the aftermath easier to clean. Important: place each oyster down strategically to retain as much juice as possible. Think of oyster as a bowl filled with water. Place right-side up to keep water in; place upside down and water spills out.

4. Cook oysters 7-12 mins
If cooking with two cookie sheets, place side-by-side in oven (if possible) to ensure even cooking. Cooking time depends on how big oysters are, number of oysters, placement in oven (longer if using both racks in the oven-- add 5+ mins), and your preference for how well done you like them.

5. Open oysters
The heat naturally separates the two shells when oysters are cooked. Look for a crack between the two shells, stick oyster shucking knife (or metal butter knife/fork), and pry open. Careful not to tilt too much so the juice is retained. Some open effortlessly while some are a bit stubborn. Since they're so hot, use a paper towel to handle. Oyster shucking knife I have:

6. Season/dip, and devour
My absolute fave sauce for seafood: salt, pepper, and lime. My friend introduced me to pairing hot sauce with oysters-- I'm a fan. He uses Tabasco but we are Tapatio lovers so we always have some on hand.

Watch a demo of this recipe on my YouTube channel and join me in my kitchen where everything is served with love.

Note: Amazon links are affiliate links.

♥ Yen
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